Friday, May 18, 2012

Sand Wash Basin, Colorado

If you want to experience a great outdoor adventure while your in Northwest Colorado then travel to Sand Wash Basin.  Sand Wash Basin is located Northwest of Maybell, Co.  This is a preservation for Wild Mustangs and they are a lovely sight to see as they run and play out in their natural habitat.  It  suggests you travel with a 4x4 drive vehicle because the roads could be hard to travel with any other vehicle at times due to the weather.  You can also camp or hike in different areas of the basin.   You have to watch very carefully for the horses but when you see them it is breath taking.  You can drive almost right up to them.  If you do walk towards these lovely creatures becareful because they will protect their young just like any other animal. 

You also become fan of Sand Wash Basin organization on facebook.!/pages/Sand-Wash-Basin-Wild-Horses/101181969939406

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